In case of emergency...

Let's be honest, you might think differently but we're both not perfect (yet!). From time to time we make mistakes that end up as bugs in the OBS and it's also not unheard of that you need help to wrap your head around something in the OBS. But don't despair, as Free Software project we're commited to work together and collaborate. Here is how we do that.

we help each other out

There is a vibrant community of developers, admins and users that support each other in their usage of the OBS. They meet online in a the OBS IRC chat or on the OBS mailing list (archive). Here you can ask questions if you have trouble understanding something, you can seek advice and mingle with other OBS community members.

we tell us about problems

In the unfortunate event you've hit a bug in the OBS we depend on you to report them. A bug can be a defect in the software, a wrong paragraph in the documentation, a dead link on the website or any other problem you are sure you can't do anything about. We track code bugs on github. Problems regarding the setup of distributions or with any other content of need to be reported either on the mailing lists or in bugzilla. If you need help entering an issue, github has a a great blogpost about that.

we better ourselves

Sometimes it's not really a defect that is bugging you but missing functionality. You have an idea how to make OBS better, faster, stronger. Those ideas we call feature and we track them on GitHub.

Commercial Support Offerings...

We ourselves currently have no product or service offering around OBS. But we are cooperating with preferred partners to allow customers using OBS in productive build environments. So if you need consulting, training or support with respective service level agreements (SLA) please contact a partner listed below.

from B1 Systems

B1 Systems offers consulting, customizing, general support and trainings around the OBS.

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